
2007-07-16 5:31 am
我上F.1啦知道要學ENGLISH MATHS.我唔知点記+,減,乘,除呀.可唔可以help 我.俾d方法我吖...唔該

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
add minus times divide

一路聽得多, 咁就會慢慢記得, 唔使特登記架~!!
2007-07-16 5:40 am
+ =plus,- =deduct,乘=multiply,除=divide
my方法is to remember their sound(拼音)first and then remember their words will be easier!(after you can dict them by yourself)(also you can remember their chinese meaning)

Hope I can help you!
參考: Own suggestion

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