runescape--我想問下最新一代runescape個Demon Slayer點banish個Demon??

2007-07-16 2:59 am

回答 (5)

2007-07-17 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
你向varrock 市中心廣場 Gypsy 交談後, 他說要有 silverlight 劍才可以, 向在 varrock 皇官 (市中心廣場) 內左方的戰士交談後, 就說要 3 key 才可開那箱子, 取出 silverlight.
key 1: 拿 25 bone 再去 wizard tower 一樓的巫師交談
key 2: 拿一些水 (use bucket with sink洗手盆/噴水池/井) 再在城堡廚房外找 drain, use water with drain, 之後去 sewers (去水道/溝渠); 在城堡正門向右走, 在右門出去後有路上有一個 manhole, 進入後在左上方就會找到了... (在 worldmap 中 varrock 城內右方的紅色 ! 就是 sewers 入口)
key 3: 在皇宮內的左上方上樓梯, 向 guard chief 交談拿 key
那隻叫 Delrith 的惡魔在 varrock 的下方, 在南方的出口向右下方走會見到一些 dark wizard 和那惡魔, 拿起 silverlight, 攻擊惡魔, 當它沒有 hitpoint 時會有 4 句選擇, 選擇第四句, 選錯了或不是用 silverlight 會無法殺死它.
2007-07-21 10:56 pm
您要問吓o係varrock 的Gypsy,個個都唔同!!

例子:我做demon slayer 時係carlem , aber ,camerinthum , purchai ,gabindo ,
我的brother 認為怎樣排列都無問題,so 跟 我的排列,結果錯o左,跟住問返Gypsy,就知道o左
carlem , aber ,camerinthum , purchai ,gabindo 是怎樣排列。

希望幫到您!! ^_^ >_
參考: me
2007-07-21 4:26 am
First,find a girl near the varrock.she ll tell you to find a sir?.Go to varrock palace,find that sir. he ll tell you you need the silverlight to kill the demon.ask him for the silverlight.he tell you to bring 3 keys to get silverlight.1 st key is in the drain out of the palace! (get thought the rooms and go to the kichen!the drain is out of it )you bring a bucket full of water and put the waters into the drain.You can find a Manpowerhole(A sigh with )climb down and go to sewer(Northwest).Take a broken key(It is silverkey!!!).the 2 nd key is in the last room in palace(northwest).climb up the ladder and climb another ladder.You ll find a man,talk to him and say you ve something important to say,and talk and talk and talk!he ll give you a key!the last key is in witch tower in the west of Lumbridge!You can find a staircase and climb up.A room in Northeast ve a witch,talk with him and he want you to bring 25 set of bones,bring to him, he ll give you key!Find the sir.You get silverlight and find the ve to note down the magic word she say.Go to the circle rock side fill with dark wizard,the dark wizard ll attack you,kill them all and start attack the demon(that red big creature).You can kill it easy if you use the Silverlight to fight.when the demon fall, say the magic words to finish kill finish the quest. (P.S if you dont want to fight with the dark wizard first,when you first go in,get out fast when the dark wizard start hit you.go in the 2nd time and the dark wizard cant see you.Run to the demon and kill it!the dark wizards cant hit you!hahaha!)

2007-07-20 20:27:29 補充:
I have something to say in last line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: myself
2007-07-16 6:02 pm

2007-07-16 10:04:33 補充:
參考: me
2007-07-16 8:04 am
Go to Varrock and ask Gypsy Ari. And she will tell u a incantation.
note:every incantation is not the same.
u can go to ( and see.
參考: me

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