英文文法解答 - 急救

2007-07-16 2:39 am
請問以下之英文文法有沒有錯 :-

意思是 : John是否還須要簽署這封信件及他是否合資格再重選為組長呢?

....... Should John be necessary to sign the letter and does he still eligible for re-election as a Group Leader?

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Does John need to sign the letter and is he still eligible for reelection as a Group Leader?

唔用does,eligible 係形容詞,應該用is
2007-07-16 5:26 am
如果要番你 D 字...

Is it necessary for John to sign the letter and is he still eligible for relection as a Group Leader?
參考: Me

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