
2007-07-16 1:58 am
需長時間在户外工作, 請介紹可長時間戴的和可抵擋強烈陽光的太陽鏡。


回答 (2)

2007-07-16 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 100%阻隔紫外線


讓您的眼睛直接暴露在陽光紫外線下,是損傷您眼睛的巨大危險做法。實驗研究顯示,長期在紫外線A/B輻射下不採取防護措施,會導致例如白內障等眾多眼疾。NIKON / 依視路 全視線變色鏡片能提供超強抵禦有害紫外線A/B的防護功能,提供給您眼睛全面必要的保護。

2. 自動變色,增加舒適度

NIKON / 依視路 全視線變色鏡片能根據光線的改變自動調整鏡片顏色



3. 阻擋強光,增加透視度

NIKON / 依視路 全視線變色鏡片能有效防護多種會引響視覺的強光。無論是在強太陽光下、中等光線還是室內,全視線變色鏡片都是您日常使用鏡片的理想選擇,減少眼睛緊張和疲勞,提供舒適的視覺享受。

4. 變色效果較佳

由於製造方法不同,所以NIKON / 依視路 全視線變色鏡片與它牌相比較,多了三大優點:






About Transitions® LensesTransitions Lenses are the ideal choice for your everyday eyewear, because they are as good as a clear lens but better! Transitions Lenses automatically adjust to changing light for everyday convenient protection, everyday visual quality, and everyday visual comfort. With automatic ultraviolet radiation (UV) protection and glare reduction, Transitions Lenses are the ideal choice for your everyday eyewear and the single most convenient way for you to protect your eyes and to achieve healthy sight.

Transitions Lenses are photochromic lenses that are clear until dangerous UV rays are present. Outdoors, the brighter the sun, the darker Transitions Lenses become. They turn as dark as sunglasses by automatically adjusting their level of darkness based upon the amount of UV radiation.

Transitions Lenses block 100% of the sun's eye-damaging rays and reduce painful, discomforting glare. Transitions Lenses protect on cloudy days, sunny days, and everything in between-every day, year round-whenever invisible UV rays and visible glare are present.

Eyecare professionals agree with scientific evidence that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays over time is harmful to the eyes. Yet research shows that only 9% of people associate ultraviolet (UV) radiation with damage to their eyes-as compared to 82% who recognize the dangers of UV to their skin.

Transitions Optical, Inc. has developed the world's most advanced photochromic lens technology. Transitions Lenses are the #1 brand of photochromic lenses recommended by eyecare professionals worldwide. "Photochromic" means that the lenses automatically change from clear to dark in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Transitions Lenses are the ideal choice for every day lenses because they are good as a clear lens, but better! They provide visual quality, visual comfort and convenient protection with these performance features:

Automatic protection that's convenient and effortless
Virtually as clear as regular, hard-coated clear lenses indoors
Even clearer with an anti-reflective coating
As dark as most sunglasses outside in bright light
Fast to activate
Fast to fade back
Block 100% of the sun's eye-damaging UV rays
Reduce painful, discomforting glare
Reduce eye fatigue
Improve contrast
Offer the right tint at the right time in changing light
Transitions Optical's innovative photochromic technologies offer unparalleled lens performance in nearly every lens design and material, including shatter-resistant lenses, bifocals, trifocals, progressives, and standard and high index materials.
2014-07-19 11:55 pm
這家韓國美瞳隱眼廠商不錯喔~~款式有幾百款可以選 而且他們家的“黑莓傳說"帶起來超讃的,我同學和朋友都有在跟她拿耶~價格超低,服務和品質都超讃的!!

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