3題 英文的謎語!請各位高手幫幫忙!謝謝!10分

2007-07-16 1:49 am
It is dark room.
We can eat and drink there.
We read the words on the television
And move to the beat of the music.
1.What is it?

It is big place with many floors.
We go there to spend money.
We can buy anything we want there.
Wecan also find many retaurants too.
2.What is it?

We go there to keep fit.
People there wear T-shirts and shorts.
We can play on different courts there
Even when it is raining outside.
3.What is it?


回答 (5)

2007-07-16 2:13 am
1 Karaoke box.
2 shopping arcade / shopping centre
3. gymnasium
2007-07-16 2:04 am
1. pub;
2. shopping mall;
3. gym room
2007-07-16 2:02 am
easy 啦!
1. cinema / theatre 戲院
2. shopping arcade / shopping centre 購物商場
3. gymnasium 體育館
2007-07-16 2:00 am
1: a theater

2: a department store

3: a fitness center
2007-07-16 1:59 am
2.shopping mall
參考: me

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