
2007-07-16 1:37 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-16 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
S.H.E每一隻碟都會出影音館架 (姐係DVD)
只係睇下佢幾時出,,,同埋點買 (例如上次就係夾埋係新碟裏面)
2007-07-16 1:49 am
well I don't know
but you can go to youtube.com
to see their MV
maybe there are
if not you can see other
she's mv

Instrusion to go to youtube
type youtube.com at yahoo
then you see search at the top
type S.H.E then you could see

慶功演唱會should have dvd
2007-07-16 1:38 am
what do you say?

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