Modal word

2007-07-16 12:18 am
how to correct these sentence to achieve the appropriate level of politeness( In speaking) ? also, expain it.

1. I want to have the set lunch with soup and coffee, please. ( To a waiter in restaurant)
2. Please close the window. (To a fellow passenger on the bus)

Change the word" want to" and " close "

回答 (1)

2007-07-16 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I would like to have the set lunch with soup and coffee, please.
( change '' want to '' to '' would like to'' to make it more polite)

2. Would you mind closing the window for me please?
(To make it more polite, I don't think it is necessary to change the word '' close '' .
To use this pattern '' Would you mind verb+ing " is more polite in this situation.
意思是 : 你介不介意為我關上這個窗?

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