
2007-07-15 11:56 pm
--17 歲

請求高人解決方法, 又或者有什麼好的物理治療法? 謝謝。


回答 (4)

2007-07-16 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
It depend on whether you really want to investigate or not
For more accurate assessment and examinaiton, I suppose you should see a orthopaedic doctor, rather than general doctor as they are more specialised in this field
Besides, If the 格格聲feel is due to soft tissue problem, it can be investigate by means of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

If financially not a problem, go straight to see private orthopaedic doctor, let them examine and tell you what's wrong or whether it is in fact a normal variant.
If the doctor think it is something wrong, he will advise you to have MRI.

Private MRI may cost your HKD 5000+, if waiting time is not a problem, you can ask private doctor to refer you to government if MRI is needed. Of course, government orthopaedic doctor will have to decide whether MRI is need or not, and will not automatically order MRI simply because private doctor refer to do so!

Anyway, If you need further advise or discussion. Please feel free to mail me( I will reply you as far as I know, and preferably in English as I don't know how to input chinese unless using a time-consuming writing pad)
Preferably see a orthopaedic surgeon to diagnose your problem before treatment!

Best Wishes!

2007-07-15 18:50:42 補充:
You can write to me with either English or Chinese!!
參考: Orthopaedic specialist (Public Hospital)
2007-07-17 10:20 pm
手肘或踭附近有「格,格」响聲,多數是關節移動物(loose body)引致,關節移動物是關節內的軟骨因受傷或發炎而脫落,在關節活動時接觸軟骨而發出聲音,但只要你左右手肘關節活動都是一樣,右手肘又沒有痛症的話,其他身體關節沒事的話,不用擔心。
但如果有其他病癥,譬如手肘突然鎖住動彈不得(locked elbow)或痛症,便需看骨科醫生,照X光多數找不到原因,因為軟骨是在X光片中極難看到。
若情況再嚴重,接下來的檢查是電腦素描(CT scan),大概不會先用磁力共振素描(MRI scan),因為前者看骨組織較容易,後者檢查軟組織好肌肉筋腹較好。
至於你常用電腦引致的毛病該在兩隻手腕,叫de Quervain's disease, 該不會有響聲。
2007-07-16 9:00 am
參考: 我自已lo
2007-07-16 12:03 am

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