發現唔見著張卡, 要第一時間報失, 如果報失後所碌的卡數一律由信用卡公司負責處理, 你一用負責. 報失前所碌的卡數有機會你要負責, 所以你要第一時間報警備案
警方一定會揾你落口供, 如果有所懷疑, 要照實向警方反應, 對破案有很大的幫助.
警方會根據需要向商鋪要求提供當日的證據, 經高科技的電腦分析疑犯的樣, 如果是香港居民, 警方一定有方法揾到, 因為大家剛剛換完智能身份證, 疑犯張相, 疑犯個樣在入境處的資料庫內一定可以揾到, 警方自有方法拉人
the bank will still charge you for the payment which used during the stolen period which you have not report, coz from the bank stand point, they didn't know that is a stolen card. for you, call to the lost credit card hotline to report lost and tell them to follow up for you, tell them which is the last transaction you paid for and ask them on the rest of those you didn't sign for, next ask them to check the signature (coz is totally not match the signing, then you might have a better chance of the dispute) and get all those relevant copy and try to ask for dispute. And YOU have to report this case to the police as well and get back the police report and provide that to the bank as well. For this that doesn't mean you definitely not need to pay those transactions but that can have a better ground to support your case. The finally judgement will be made by the Bank. Coz in one of the terms and conditions, they usually says ONCE your card is lost, you have to report to the report lost card IMMEDIATELY and throughout the period that you are holding the card, you are the one who liable for the property (card) that means you are fully liable on the card status and transactions.
If after you report the case to the police, they will perform their job, of course, you can raise the CCTV issue up to the police, and if they didn't do even you provide this information to them, then that's their dereliction of duty and not yours, and plus, you cannot do anything further....
and difficult to catch the person who used your card illegally or not, that's really hard to say... coz even there is an image from CCTV, that still very hard to identify unless they might have some previous criminal record, then that might help a little, and as for the fingerprinting, since is such long time ago, so that might not be possible... anyway, do your job, report to both the police and the bank and ask the bank to dispute those transactions.... if possible, as them to provide you with the Terms & Conditions of your credit card on covering the lost card section and see any points there listed are helpful to you.