on the light side

2007-07-15 3:37 pm
( However, it should not only have the maximum penalty raised but also consider setting a minimum penalty. In Hong Kong, the stiffest sentence drink drivers have been given is 32 months' imprisonment, which is half the maximum penalty. If punishments are on the light side, a higher maximum penalty will not be an effective deterrent.

If punishments are on the light side, a higher maximum penalty will not be an effective deterrent.

呢句的on the light side 點解????

回答 (2)

2007-07-15 4:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案

If punishments are on the light side, a higher maximum penalty will not be an effective deterrent.
2007-07-15 3:55 pm
If punishments are on the light side=

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