Marketing Plan hw 急!! (10分)

2007-07-15 6:11 am
Here is the question:

You are working for a local soft drink company, the cold beverages is declining slowly. As a marketing manager, how are you going to increase the sales in the shortest possible time. Please prepare a marketing plan.

plz list out ur marketing plan particularly, MANY THZ!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-15 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
i cannot make a marketing plan to you, but i can give you some suggestion.
1. you can change the packing of the cold beverages.
2. do more promotions in different media
3. held some activities to the target customers.
4. don't forget to analysis the competitor(s), because 知己知彼~

In the marketing plan, you should include:
1. Excutive summary: to summarizes the main goals, recommendations and points as an overview...
2. Marketing situation: discuss the overall market, identify the market that you will target...
3. SWOT of your company( your drinks): strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis
4. Objective and issues
5. Marketing strategy: product strategy, pricing s. , Mkt research,
6. Action Programs
7. Budgets
8. Controls

I hope it may help you~~~!!
參考: From Marketing (an introduction)
2007-07-15 6:21 am
How would you plan if you were the manager? This is a scenio for you to think, and it may be a question for you to answer during a job interview. If you're not serious about getting into Marketing, then wait for someone to propose you a solution.

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