問BIO 2002 CE MC Q.2 and Q.4

2007-07-15 1:47 am
問BIO 2002 CE MC Q.2 and Q.4

回答 (1)

2007-07-15 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案


(1) Correct .The ovule of the flowering plants becomes a seed afterr fertilization.

(2)Correct. Flowering plants possess sexual reproductive organ ,flower , in which there is ovary with ovules .They produce covered seeds (derived from ovules)enclosed in fruits which are derived from ovary .Non-flowering plants have no flowers and ovary ,so they cannot produce fruit.

(3) Incorrect.Many flowering plants can reproduce asexually by vegetative propagation , in which the vegetative parts of the flowering plants develop into new plants.


Answer: B

(A)Both root hair cells and mesophyll cells are living cells

(B)Mesophyll cells contain many chloroplasts for photosynthesis while root hair cells do not.

(C)Both cells can transport water .

(D) Both cells are not covered with cuticle.

Notes: The epidermal cells are covered with cuticle.

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