Simple past tense

2007-07-14 11:11 pm
我想問did not同do not,
did not係唔係he/she/it用?
咁did not past tense用就係唔係i/we/they/the/you/he.she/it都可以用?
The sun?
The thief?
and the wind係??????

回答 (2)

2007-07-14 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"did not" 是 "do not" 的 past tense.
"did not" 所有 pronoun 都可以用。即 I / We / You / They / He / She / It 都得。
如果係 past tense 咁 The sum, The thief, the wind 都可以用 "did not" 。

要留意 present tense "do not" 則有分:
I / We / You / They 用 "do not"
He / She / It 用 "does not"
The sun, The thief, the wind 用 "does not"
2007-07-14 11:15 pm
did not and do not diffirent is only in past tense and present tense

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