
2007-07-14 10:45 pm
請問, 可以係邊盡量搵到交通相對方便, 樓價相對唔好太舊既?

另外, 想問問
元朗, 屯門及天水圍, 邊區會相對交通最方便?

回答 (3)

2007-07-18 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Of course is Tuen Mun, It is near the railway station.
But if you really look for 700k-800k flat and you don't mind it old and rather small. I will recommend you to pick Tokwawan.
Not just the price for the flat, the living there is also low. There is no MTR, but sufficient mini bus, bus ... are available. only $30 can pick to TST by taxi.
But there is very few estates in the territory. To meet your budget, you get to find those single building which is over 20 years old.
Imagine, only 10 mins to TST, MK, 20 mins to Wanchai and Central. You cannot find any other place in HK convenient like this.
參考: me
2007-07-18 6:44 am
二手居屋呀, 我係大埔有一層放緊盤, 500呎, 75萬, 有興趣搵我喇.
參考: me
2007-07-15 12:32 am
兩個都係市中心, 所以交通很方便集中, 但價錢又唔貴, 70-80萬樓價都有很多呀!剛剛西北通道開左, 樓價可能會再升, 所以都唔驚會跌, 而且屯門有很多村巴, 去市區返工真係好方便,
雖然呢兩個住宅都係十幾年樓, 但保養唔錯呀! 嘉湖山莊就唔同期數唔同樓齡啦! 嘉湖山莊有會所tim, 應有盡有, 他們的交易都很多的, 入新界十大呀! 將來賣反出去都易d呀!
因為西鐵站算係比元朗後, 所以元朗樓價起碼過百二萬啦! 因此無單位推介啦!

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