I'm not a plastic bag 澳門邊度有得買

2007-07-14 8:58 pm
I'm not a plastic bag 澳門邊度有得買??

回答 (4)

2007-07-16 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
這個袋會於七月至八月繼續在美國東岸﹐歐洲﹐大陸﹐ 日本﹐和東南亞出售﹐香港澳門就無啦 (除非你願意給那些 Ebay 炒家過千元買一個啦), 無得網上預訂 (因為全球網上預訂在五月已停止), 請參考以下:
14Th July – Japan (日本)

A limited edition green version launches in Anya Hindmarch Ginza Store, Isetan and Dover Street Market in Tokyo

18th July – U S (美國東岸)

A limited edition blue version will be available to buy from selected New York and Tri-State area Whole Foods Market stores.

20th July – S E Asia (印尼耶加達)

The limited edition grey version launches at On Peddar in Jakarta

27th July – S E Asia (北京﹐上海)

The limited edition grey version launches at Anya Hindmarch in Beijing and On Peddar in Shanghai

End of July – Europe (歐洲)

The original brown bag launches at Brown Thomas in Ireland and Corso Como in Milan.

18th August – S E Asia (新加坡)

The limited edition grey version launches at On Peddar in Singapore

Info. From:
http://www.anyahindm arch.com/division/en vironmental_bags.asp x
參考: Myself
2007-07-23 3:18 pm
參考: u kind of stupid
2007-07-21 8:02 pm
澳門無得買la~~ what color you want to buy? I have a navy color plastic bag US version ga~ real & new, bought from Whole Foods Market, New York. if you like, email: [email protected]
參考: myself and live in new york
2007-07-16 10:41 pm
你可以試試 Nippon Yan (日本仁), 他們的網頁(www.jpy.com.hk)

Yahoo HK ID: nirita888

Plastic bag (Japan Version): $1任bid

They can post to Macau
參考: www.jpy.com.hk

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