Chloe 同Coey 係咪同音??

2007-07-14 7:12 pm
Chloe 同Coey 係咪同音??

回答 (5)

2007-07-14 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
chloe 讀 CLO-EEY
coey 讀 COL-EEY

it's different :]
參考: american english
2007-07-18 3:40 am
2007-07-14 10:41 pm
not the same ga... Chloe is pronounced as ka-lo-ee, Coey is pronounced as ko-ee. This is because the first one has an "l" but the second one doesn't.
參考: Me!
2007-07-14 7:29 pm
參考: yahoo字典
2007-07-14 7:24 pm
唔係同音黎架!! 因為,.,一個尾音係 y 一個係 e,.,係唔同既

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