
2007-07-14 7:23 am
以下係我同老闆傾計既說話 , 想請大家幫手 , 意思差不多就可以 , 未必一定跟足中文
1 . 想請問一下,下星期我仲駛唔駛開工 / 仲有無得開工
2 . 我收工啦 , 再見 / 我走先啦, 再見
3. 呢D 係我既心血 , 心機黎架 . 好可惜!

回答 (4)

2007-07-14 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

Translation according to my knowledge (每項提供兩種講法給你揀):
1. May I ask if I need to work next week?
May I know if I should come to work next week?
2. I am off (收工) now. See you~
I gonna (將會,口語) leave. Bye~
3. I have already tried my best (盡晒力架嘞). So pity (可惜)!
I have already given much effort (好落力架嘞). Pity!
2007-07-15 2:59 am
1. Excuse me, could you let me know if I need to come to work next week?

2. Time to go home! or Time to leave! or I'm done for the day! Bye! See you all tomorrow!

3. Don't waste all my effort! or I put lots of efforts on this work, please don't waste it!
參考: myself... hope it can help you!
2007-07-14 7:30 am
1. Do I need to come back next week? / Is there any job for me next week?

2. That's it for the day. I am leaving now. Bye.

3. What a shame my effort is wasted
2007-07-14 7:28 am
1. It is please ask not to want,not the next I the second to drive well, drive not going into operation on the week /the second to go into operation.
2.I knock off,meet again /I leave first, meet again.
3.I am already energies for D department,scheming Li shelf. Very regrettable!
參考: ^^

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