In one a very rich Martha Stewart listening to one of her good friends testify aginst her.
1. 這樣就一句, 好像成句都係 noun (不過係一個較長的 noun), 看不出那部份是 subject, verb, object. 點解咁也可以成一句子?
2. 仲有, 這裡 "In one a" 點解?
That makes the scenes in a couple of courtrooms today most unusual. In one a very rich Martha Stewart listening to one of her good friends testify aginst her. And, in another courtroom, a very wealthy Jeffrey Skilling listened to charges that...
多謝 hkwaddle 詳細的解釋! 我已明了很多. 不過還有一點唔明, 我 check 過個 script, 同聽多次佢講, 我無打錯, 真係 "listening" 架 睇完你講, 我會將句子 rewrite and simplify to: In one courtroom, Martha who listened to her friend who testify aginst her. 為什麼無動詞就咁一個長既noun, 可以當句子既 ?_? 係咪有時 d 口語係唔介意這些 grammar 架? 唔該!
上句補充: 睇完你講, 我會將句子 rewrite and simplify to: In one courtroom, Martha who listened to her friend who testify aginst her. 再 simplify: In one courtroom, Martha 所以好似 incomplete sentence, why can like that? pls tell me! thx!