pls translate

2007-07-14 5:27 am
pls translate:

回答 (7)

2007-07-14 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to say that to a friend or classmate, when chatting in english in real life, nobody really say it as they write it, instead, you would say:

>>What did you get? (since you are in that situation, the other person should already know that you're talking about the results, so you don't have to say it specifically.)

>> I don't wanna tell you though.
>> I know you're not gonna tell me, (it's ok).

This is my experience! hope that helps
參考: Me!
2007-07-14 9:35 am
Are you gonna say all of the above as part of the conversation with your European friends?
If you do, here is my suggestion.

a. hey what do you get [for (whatever subject)]?
b. I am not gonna tell you.
c. I knew it.
2007-07-14 7:25 am
a. Can you tell me your result?
b. Sorry, I don't want to tell you.
a. I already known that you'll not tell me.
2007-07-14 6:21 am
A: I want to your results!
B: I don't want to tell you.
A: I can guess that you won't tell me. / I've already known that you won't tell you. / I have known in advance that you won't tell me.

1. 領悟,了解,認識到[+(that)][+wh-]
I realized what he meant.
Does he realize his mistake yet?
2. 實現;使成為事實
Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized.
3. 【書】把(證券,產業等)變賣;(以變賣產業等)獲(利)[(+on)];售得,賣得
1. 變賣產業為現錢
參考: me
2007-07-14 5:39 am
a. (Could you / Do you mind to) tell me your result?/ I really want to know how is your result?

b. I don't want to let you know. / It's not your business.- 解作: 唔關你事(可以用,但語氣唔友善)

c. I guess you won't tell me. / I already know that you won't (tell me/let me know).
參考: me
2007-07-14 5:34 am
I want to know your result.

I do not want to tell you.

I realize you will not tell me .
2007-07-14 5:32 am
a) I want to know your results.

b) I don't want to tell you.

c) I realized that you won't tell me at all.

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