經過考慮...決定Quit U了

2007-07-14 4:24 am
經過考慮...決定Quit U了

現在想讀HKU space or city 傳意

1, 請問讀HKU space係咪比較容易入番HKU 架?
2, HKU space ABA 教學好唔好架?
3, city 傳意中日,中韓, 中法邊個教學好D ar??

當然, 我都想升番大學...eg, HKU BA, city BBA 等
其實興趣差不多,不過現實d 諗, 易升大學當然好d la~~

4, 請問我點樣選擇好啊??

回答 (2)

2007-07-14 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

hku space 唔係你想像中咁勁,同hku關係都唔係真係附屬學院0既關係,純粹要黎賺錢。

space aba真係好麻麻,不過無謂唱衰人地。


參考: 做緊大學、讀過city
2007-07-14 7:02 am
What do u mean by ' Quit U ' ? If you are not yet a U student, why you need to quit ? Nobody can't guarantee a higher chance of getting into HKU from HKU Space. It all depends on your GPA & interview performance.

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