我想問一條econ mc問題架唔該

2007-07-14 3:08 am
24. Under the Closer Econimic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), some of HONG Kong made goods exported tothe Chinese mainland will enjoy zero tariffs. As a result, in the mainland,
A. the price of these goods will rise
B. the price of these goods will fall
C. the total expenditure on these goods will rise
D. the total expenditure on these goods will fall


同埋關唔關elasticity 事架!?唔該晒

回答 (2)

2007-07-16 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

因為我地唔知彈性,就算你話個price唔變,咁樣expenditure 都唔會變~

比多一個小貼士你,逢親有涉及supply同埋 total expenditure,一定同彈性有關,如果唔知彈性,條題目就冇得做~
2007-07-14 3:53 am
i think the ans is B
it is because when the traffic is zero,then the good supply to mainland will increase.so the supply curve will shift to the right,demand hold constant,then the price will fall while the quantity increase.
so i think A is not right.

for C,D ,we do not know the elasticity,therefore we cannot the change of the total expenditure,and cannot know which one is correct.

i wish i am correct.

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