
2007-07-13 8:48 pm
我仍年青, 充滿熱誠, 幹勁去接受這個挑戰.

回答 (7)

2007-07-13 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In English:
I was still young, fill sincerely, the working zeal accepted this challenge
2007-07-14 9:04 pm
我仍年青, 充滿熱誠, 幹勁去接受這個挑戰.

I am still young, full of cordiality, energy goes to accept this challenge.
參考: me
2007-07-14 2:48 am
我仍年青, 充滿熱誠, 幹勁去接受這個挑戰.
I was still young, fill sincerely, the working zeal accepts this challenge.
2007-07-13 10:35 pm
我仍年青, 充滿熱誠, 幹勁去接受這個挑戰.

I am still young, full of cordiality, energy goes to accept this challenge.

參考: ME
2007-07-13 10:19 pm
我仍年青, 充滿熱誠, 幹勁去接受這個挑戰.

I am young, enthusiasm & with strong will to accept this particular challenge.

加了一個adjective (particular) to stress the challenge. Hope this is acceptable. Thank you.
參考: SELF
2007-07-13 8:57 pm
I am still young and passionate. I am eager to accept this challenge.
2007-07-13 8:53 pm
I am still young and have much passion to face this challenge !
參考: A stupid guy from Macau

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