Excel 想 insert 一行

2007-07-13 5:55 pm
EXCEL 想 INSERT 一行, 不知是否 FILE 太大, 不能 INSERT,
出現以下文字, 請問點先可以在中段插入到新的一行 ?

To prevent possible loss of data, Microsoft Office Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off the worksheet.

Try to locate the last nonblank cell by pressing CTRL+END, and delete or clear all in cells between the
last cell and the end of your data. Then select cell A1 and save your workbook to reset the last cell used.

Or, you can move the data to a new location and try again.

回答 (2)

2007-07-14 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
按 CTRL+END 到最後一行,刪除它或清除內容亦可
2007-07-15 6:30 am
excel的row number 同column都唔係無限既. (唔記得幾多咯, 2007就勁多.)
不過有時唔知點解後面D野明明無野, 佢都唔俾加行.
我就會delete後面的row, insert其他野囉.
參考: give me 10 bugs !!

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