plz help me 翻譯做english

2007-07-13 8:59 am
plz help me 翻譯做english
唔要網上翻譯果D wo~

你找我係咪有事呀?? 你可以send message 比我 或者留言比我呀^^ 我剛找到份新工, 返緊工所以聽唔到你電話, 唔好意思呀!! 我而家係旺角一間日本餐廳做緊, 但呢間餐廳主要係食刺身, 鍋物, 炸物, 定食等, 並唔係壽司, 壽司都有, 不過得好少選擇, 但我唔係好鍾意係呢間餐廳做, D 同事唔好, 而且都係姨姨叔叔, 我同佢地溝通唔到, 我亦都諗住辭職lu, 我成日都轉工, 我都覺得自己好衰, haha

thx x 999999999

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
你找我係咪有事呀? - Have you been calling me?
你可以send message 比我 或者留言比我呀 - You can send me SMS or leave me a voice message.
我剛找到份新工, 返緊工 - I've got a new job and have been working.
所以聽唔到你電話 - I am sorry that I didn't pick up your call.
我而家係旺角一間日本餐廳做緊, 但呢間餐廳主要係食刺身, 鍋物, 炸物, 定食等, 並唔係壽司, 壽司都有, 不過得好少選擇
I am working in a Japanese restaurant, where you can order shashimi, hot pot, tempura, and set meal. This restaurant also serves sushi but choices are limited.
但我唔係好鍾意係呢間餐廳做, D 同事唔好, 而且都係姨姨叔叔, 我同佢地溝通唔到 - I don't really enjoy working in this restaurant. The co-workers are much older and they are kind of unpleasant. I can't even communicate with them.
我亦都諗住辭職lu, 我成日都轉工, 我都覺得自己好衰, haha
I want to quit. I feel badly because I never manage to stay on a job.

2007-07-13 21:29:05 補充:
哇!下面果個抄我的答案, 很離譜!一看就知他英文水皮!

2007-07-19 22:05:17 補充:
這是普通英語﹐ 英國美國人都會gum 講﹐ 英文好的香港人都係.
參考: 自己﹐ 我住在美國
2015-03-30 3:45 pm





2007-07-13 9:37 pm
你找我係咪有事呀? - What a matter?
你可以send message 比我 或者留言比我呀 - You can send me a message or leave me a voice message.

我剛找到份新工, 返緊工 - I've got a new job and I am working now.

所以聽唔到你電話 - I am sorry that I haven't pick up your call.

我而家係旺角一間日本餐廳做緊, 但呢間餐廳主要係食刺身, 鍋物, 炸物, 定食等, 並唔係壽司, 壽司都有, 不過得好少選擇

I am working in a Japanese restaurant, here you can order shashimi, hot pot, tempura, and set meal. This restaurant also serves sushi but choices are limited.

但我唔係好鍾意係呢間餐廳做, D 同事唔好, 而且都係姨姨叔叔, 我同佢地溝通唔到 - I don't like to working in this restaurant because the colleague unfriendly and they are old than me so I can't talking to them.

我亦都諗住辭職lu, 我成日都轉工, 我都覺得自己好衰, haha

I want to quit. I feel bad because I never manage to stay on a job,haha.
參考: Myself

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