Whose death(s) in Harry Potter would make you feel the saddest?

2007-07-12 6:28 pm
I'd be really sad if Hermione, Ron, or Ginny were to die.

This is not to say that I don't like Harry. No, he's a wonderful character, but if there HAD to be a sacrifice, then, well... I think most of us are psychologically prepared to face the possibility of Harry's death. We've had years to prepare ourselves. (Don't shoot me now!!)

But I've always had a soft spot for the three people closest to Harry... *sniff*. Okay, okay, if Harry were to die, I'd feel really sad for Ginny at least...

回答 (10)

2007-07-12 6:32 pm
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After years of watching Harry struggle and abused by his relatives every summer, I would love to see him have a happy life with his best friends Ron and Hermione.
I would be sad to see any of them perish.
2007-07-13 1:31 am
everybody in that book/movie~
2007-07-13 1:31 am
None they should all DIED!
2007-07-13 1:34 am
Well if harry were to die then that would be the end of all the harry Potter movies and books. And that would be the sadest thing of all.
2007-07-13 1:33 am
Ron,Hermione and Hagrid...yeah, maybe Ginny too, i don't like her much...but Ron and harry would be devastated, and i don't want tht..
2007-07-13 1:33 am
hermione. I have no idea why.
2007-07-13 1:31 am
Hermione and Ron
2007-07-13 1:33 am
Well first of all, let me say that none of those people are real human beings. You DO realize these are fictional characters, so even IF they all died, it would really be no great loss to mankind.

The series of books is ending. It's over, let it go. Find a new trend to throw yourself into so you can continue following the pack and doing the cool thing that everyone else is doing.

Also, just FYI, I work for Scholastic Press and here at the home office EVERYONE has read book 7...Hermione and Ron die.

2007-07-13 1:32 am
its a book,get a life
2007-07-13 1:31 am
Harry Potter is wack.

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