
2007-07-13 6:53 am
我起空餘時間會做下 gym同睇書!
i would like to work out and reading in free time!

回答 (8)

2007-07-13 7:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

上面的翻譯有些不對﹐ 這句正確翻譯是:

I spend my leisure/free time reading and working out in a gym.
參考: 自己﹐ 我住在美國
2007-07-13 10:27 am

因為你問題係可唔可以咁講, speech既要求伙唔會好大. 最好就係咁簡簡單單一聽就明.

樓上戶suggest話加上去gym個d係不需要的,work out已經係做運動既意思,而且work out呢個phrase同reading本身都係noun, 文法上都冇問題. 所以你咁講係絕對冇錯. 只要係識英文既人都會明. 放心
參考: american education, now working in US
2007-07-13 7:11 am
I like excerising in gymnasium & reading during my leisure time


I like gymnastic excerises & reading during my leisure time
2007-07-13 7:10 am

I like reading books and working out in gym in my free time.
參考: me
2007-07-13 7:03 am
pretty good already but you can refine your sentence like this:
I like working out and reading in my leisure time.
2007-07-13 6:58 am
I read books and go to gym in my spare time.
2007-07-13 6:57 am
My suggestion is:
I like having training in the gymnasium and reading in free time.
參考: myself
2007-07-13 6:56 am
I like working out and reading in my free time

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