
2007-07-13 4:41 am
一旦你把汽車停錯了地方, 交通警很快會發現. 如果他沒給你罰款單就放你走了, 算你走運. 然而, 情況并不都是這樣, 交通警有時也很客氣. 有一次在瑞典度假, 我發現我的車上有這樣一個字條:[先生, 歡迎你光臨我們的城市. 此處是[禁上停車]區. 如果你對我們街上的標示牌稍加注意, 你在此會過得很愉快. 謹在此提請注意.] 如果你收到這樣的懇求, 你是不會不遵照執行的!

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Once you parked a car in a wrong place,traffic cops will discover it soon.You are lucky if they do not give you an invoice of penalty.However,this case does not happen usually. Sometimes they are so courteous.

Last time when I was vacationing at Swiss, I saw a note on my car. It states that, "Sir,welcome to our city.It is"No parking"Zone.If you pay more attention to our traffic signal,you will enjoy yourself in our city,please remind that."

If you receive such a polite imploration note, you will certainly be willing to follow the rules.

幫你improve d wordings~
會idiomatic d~
參考: me
2007-07-13 4:56 am
你是用字機直譯的吧! 基本上沒問題, 改少少就可以了!
Once you parked a car in a wrong place,traffic cops will discover it soon.You are so lucky that if they didn't give you a invoice of penalty.However,the case is not usually like that.Sometimes they are so courteous.

Last time I was vacationing at Swiss.I saw a notepaper on my car. It state that"Sir,welcome to our city.Here is"No parking"Zone.If you pay more attention to our traffic signal,you will enjoy yourself in our city,remind please."
You will certainly willing to comply with the rules if you received such polite imploration note.

2007-07-12 20:57:25 補充:
a invoice 應改為an invoice
2007-07-13 4:44 am
Once you are parking a car in a wrong places,traffic cops will detect soon.You are so luckly that if they aren't give you a invoices of penalty.However,the case is not usually identical.Sometime they are so courteous.

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