✔ 最佳答案
how is yr result ?
if not bad & u hv faith to hv HKCEE
then u stay in hk la
if not gd ,u may go to england lor
參考: 我今年升中四
參考: studied in uk after F.5......self-experience, plz dun copy
其實你E家去仲好因為英國係F5-F6果陣會收好多歐洲GE學生。佢地大部份都幾好。不過我去過英國果次(遊學團)成班人(自己友) 比班英國人蝦。。你英文唔係太好都唔會有咩問題因為你可以放學果陣老師會幫你的。。。學費就好貴(睇你係私校定公立學校)私校大部份都5000-8000英鎊1個學期(好似係有3個學期)
如果你想知道更多可以send e-mail :yukgigi@yahoo.com.hk....
yes, there is racist in Britain, but actually that is all over the world, so you can't avoid it. if you english aren't too good, practice from now on. if your english is not so good, and if you are in a good school in hong kong, you should not go to Britain YET. because if you go now, you may even go to a bad school. still, if you really want to go, there is a class for people whose english is bad. i don't know about the teachers, and the fee is EXPENSIVE. practice english from now on, get better grades on some specific subjects that you want to study, and go to there in f.6 or University.
參考: Myself
其實讀埋中五,勀完會考先去會好d,,因為,,你考得多d分數,,可以起uk choose better one既university~英國d人好容易fd的,,其實只你你肯同佢地多d一齊活動,我覺得冇問題既,,唔洗咁wory依樣...你有,,咁你可以住起個邊囉..學費不可申請資助[不是公務員]...你只可take獎學金~其實學校入面,,實有d好/唔好老師喇,,只係多定少姐ma~