
2007-07-13 3:15 am
如果有人問: The baby is a boy, isn't it? 如果個BB係男仔,咁答Yes, is it a boy. 定係 No, it is a boy? 又例如問 You are not going to the party, aren't you? 咁答 Yes, I am going. 定係 No, I am going? 定係有其他答法? 回答的技巧係點?謝謝!

回答 (5)

2007-07-13 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是英文文法中的重災區。大多數非英語為母語的人最易胡言亂語的答非所問情景。question tag是也。

簡單法則:前半為命題,後半是問卷調查?問者是期望你答和前半的情況相同。 tag 是吊牌,明文寫上前半的命題。但叫你認同。律師最懂用此陷阱套人講錯說話。


如果有人問: The baby is a boy, isn't it? 如果個BB係男仔,咁答Yes, it is. 如果個BB係女仔,咁答No, it isn't.

又例如問 You are not going to the party, aren't you? 去便咁答 Yes, I am . 不去便答No, I ain't.

2007-07-15 15:34:30 補充:
I was too tired to answer the above in the mid-night that making such answer in reversed condition without checking. Anyway, thanks a lot.

2007-07-15 15:48:22 補充:
byc8111 [回答時間:2007-07-13 11:29:02 你在日間作答,比我老年人精神得多。同意你的說法如下 You are not going to the party, aren't you? (你是否..不會..參加今晚的宴會?)去的話應答: No, I am going.如不去的話: Yes, I am not going.因為是double negative, 經常被日常中文思維所困,容易手腦不配合。特別在精神疲倦時,連我也大意無連番校對便送出答案。認真有愧!

2007-07-15 15:57:02 補充:
初次學習這樣子的答話時,最常見的笑話是想去答: Yes, I am going.不去答: No, I am not going以為答得好,點知人地反問:『你究竟是去定唔去?』
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners.
2007-09-10 7:23 am
2007-07-13 9:07 pm
My opinion, all you need to care is the first part of the questions

The baby is a boy?
You are not going?

The answer will only focus on those parts.
Yes, it's a boy or no, it's a girl
No, I am not or yes, I am

The second parts give you an idea of the speaker somehow heard or already have an answer.
2007-07-13 7:29 pm
The baby is a boy, isn't it? 如果個BB係男仔,咁答Yes, it is.

You are not going to the party, aren't you? (你是否..不會..參加今晚的宴會?)
去的話應答: No, I am going.
如不去的話: Yes, I am not going.

除非問題是: Are you going to the party? 你的答案才對.

Nothing personal, 只是研究及交流一下.
參考: SELF
2007-07-13 3:28 am
如果有人問: The baby is a boy, isn't it? 如果個BB係男仔,咁答Yes, it is.
又例如問 You are not going to the party, aren't you? 咁答 Yes, I am .

Actually, in most of the situations, we may not answer 'Yes' or 'No' but 'Right' or just not to answer.
For example, 'You went to US last summer, didn't you?'
'Yes, that's great'
You just need to answer Yes it is , Yes, you are etc.

I hope these would help you.

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