Question tags

2007-07-13 2:33 am
1.It's a sunny day, _______________?
2..Bill works hard,_______________?
3.You have swept the floor,_______________?
4.You and I enjoyed the lessons,________________?
5.I look like my aunt,___________________?

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 3:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.It's a sunny day, isn't it?
2..Bill works hard, doesn't he ?
3.You have swept the floor, haven't you ?
4.You and I enjoyed the lessons, didn't we ?
5.I look like my aunt, don't I ?

2007-07-12 19:27:14 補充:
第五條千萬不要用 ain't I (not amn't I),因為這句可寫成:I do look like my aunt, don't I?但不可寫成:I am look/looking like my aunt, ain't I?
2007-07-13 6:23 pm
1. isn't it
2. doesn't he
3. haven't you
4. didn't we
5. don't I
2007-07-13 3:10 am
1. isn't it
2. isn't he
3.havent you
4. didnt we
5.amn't i

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