
2007-07-13 2:27 am
我22歲 中7repeat左一年 今年poly asso 畢業 major bsusiness gpa 2.5x

我本來報左poly speed finance 但係得speed international business有offer 不

過我唔太想讀 business我覺得唔太專 讀左兩年asso 都唔知學左d乜 我比較

想學投資 所以揀科要以finance優先 剛剛去左hku space 睇中左個top up

degree 係finance既 不過gpa要3 又收得皮

1. 我想知道仲有咩適合我讀? 請介紹

2. 其實我係咩應該開始做嘢?

3.大家請隨便比d意見我 我好迷惘 真係唔知應該點做

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
現在所有大學都收23歲以上有工作經驗嘅mature student讀part-time bachelor degree,你當然可做一年工後申請入讀啦..


事隔多年,我又用14萬報讀完成三年半的part-time HKU嘅degree(證書由原校HKU Faculty of Business & Economics頒發,絕冇SPACE字樣!!),再用6萬完成一年多嘅part-time Master degree..
2007-07-13 5:40 am
2007-07-13 2:35 am
i think you should consider working now. Based on your performance, it's quite hard for you to further study, in particular on finance subject, as the competition is quite keen.

I suggest you can start working, and once you have a few years experience, you can consider a part-time degree.

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