Discovery Bay 一問

2007-07-13 1:28 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 1:32 am
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Of course you can, you can take a feery at the Central or take a bus from Tung Chung MTR station to there. There you can see a lot of European style bungalow and low desnity apartment, a man made beach and a lot of foreigners and their dogs are drinking coffee and reading a books there. You will not believe that it is in Hong Kong.
2007-07-13 1:51 am
是可以的,但已變成純住宅區,風景是不錯的,幾休閒,但玩的只有沙灘游水,可在東涌轉巴士入去DB01R( 8.0 元)或三號碼頭搭船 ( 27元)
2007-07-13 1:39 am

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