翻譯英文 !

2007-07-13 12:52 am
he was always a little too willing to sell off his convictions to the highest bidder, you know? To compromise away his principles. But this one - he just cut a deal with Q Corp.

回答 (2)

2007-07-13 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
你知道嗎?他已往總是有點太願意將自己的信念便宜地賣給出價最高者,並放棄了他的原則。但這次他只是與Q Corp 各自讓步,做了一個交易。
Sell off: 賤賣
compromise away: 放棄
cut a deal: 與對方各自讓步做交易

2007-07-12 18:06:52 補充:
Cut a deal = 切一次? 哈哈哈 :-)
2007-07-13 1:41 am
he was always a little too willing to sell off his convictions to the highest bidder, you know? To compromise away his principles. But this one - he just cut a deal with Q Corp.

他總稍微特別願意對最高的投標商賣掉他的信念,你知道嗎? 離開損害他的原則。 但是這個 - 他只切一次與Q公司的交易

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