reported speech

2007-07-13 12:42 am
1. John said,"I was sick yesterday."
2. John said,"I was sleeping the whole afternoon."
3.Mr. Wong explained,"There are thirty-one days in both July and Augest."
4.Mary said,"I jog every evening."
5.Peter and Daisy said,"We shall not join you."
6.Father said to aunt,"Iwill lend you my car."
7.The children said,"Our dog has bitten your cat."
8.He explained,"But I can't swim."
將上面的句子轉做reported speech.

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. John said that he had been sick the day before.

2. John said that he had been sleeping all time that afternoon.

3.Mr. Wong explained that there were thirty-one days in both July and Augest.

4.Mary said that she jogged every evening.

5.Peter and Daisy said that they would not join that person.

6.Father said that he would lend aunt his car.

7.The children said that their dog had bitten that person's cat.

8.He explained that he could not swim.
基本上每句的主動詞例如 said, explained 都仍然保留運用 (past tense)
淡橙色的是轉成reported speech之後 subject的改變
淺藍色的是轉成reported speech之後動詞的改變
粉紅色的是轉成reported speech 之後 object 或 possessive noun 的改變
2007-07-13 2:07 am
雖然上面兩位解釋得好詳細, 但係都唔係完全o岩晒!
我就無解得咁詳細喇, 有d淨係寫答案就算!

1. John said that he was sick yesterday.(尋日病, simple past tense)

2. John said that he was sleeping the whole afternoon.

3. Mr. Wong explained that there are thirty-one days in both July and August. (是實, fact, 所以係present tense)

4. Mary said she jogs every evening. (因為每日都做, 係present tense)

5. Peter and Daisy said (that) they will not join me/us. (that-可有可無)

6. Father said to aunt that he will lend her his car.

7. The children said their dog had bitten my/our cat.

8. He explained that he can't swim. (因為係到宜家佢都係唔識, 所以係cannot, 唔係could not)

信唔信就睇人喇!, 不過好多人都淨係會揀d咩博士, 碩士既答案!
其實有d野小學生都答到架, 唔好歧視d小學生呀!
參考: Myself, I live in HK
2007-07-13 1:41 am
1. John said that he had been sick the day before.

2. John said that he had been sleeping the whole afternoon that day.
(但若轉述的時間與John說話是同一日的話,則不用加that day)

3.Mr. Wong explained that there are thirty-one days in both July and Augest.

4.Mary said that she jobs every evening.
(因job是Mary現有的習慣,所以也不需轉過去式;除非在轉述時,Mary已經沒有每黃昏去job,那時就要寫成:Mary said that she jogged every evening before)

5. 這句非常複習,若Peter and Daisy說話對像的you是:我
  Peter and Daisy said that they would not join me.
 若you是我們的話: ...join us
 若you是我(們)以外的第三者(單數):...join him/her.
 若you是我(們)以外的第三者(複數):...join them.

6.Father told aunt that he would lend her his car.

 The children said that their dog had bitten (my/our/his/her/their) cat.

8. He explained that he could not swim.

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