看圖題! only5題* easy!!

2007-07-12 11:33 pm
請 看 下 邊 的 網 址 , 之 後 回 答 問 題 !
只 是 五 題 * 感 謝 大 家 的 幫 忙 ! !


識 幾 多 答 幾 多 ! t h a n k y o u ! !

回答 (2)

2007-07-12 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.a. In triangle ABC and triangle ADE,
 angle CAB = angle EAD (common angle)
 angle ACB = angle AED (corr. angles, BC // DE)
 [angle ABC = angle ADE (corr. angles, BC // DE) ] --- can be omitted
 So triangle ABC ~ triangle ADE (AAA or equiangular)
b. triangle ABC ~ triangle ADE (proved in (a))
 BC/DE = AB/AD (corr. sides, similar triangles)
 x/8 = 5/(5+3) ==> x=5
and AC/AE = AB/AD (corr. sides, similar triangles)
 10/(10+2y) = 5/(5+3)
 80=50 + 10y ==> y=3

2.In triangle ABD and triangle ACD,
 AB = AC (given)
 angle BAD = angle CAD (given)
 AD = AD (common side)
 So triangle ABD ~= triangle ACD. (SAS)

3.Area of the triangle = (12 x 12 x sin 60 / 2) cm^2
          = 72sin 60 cm^2
 Area of each sector = (6 x 6 x Pi x 60/360) cm^2
          =6 Pi cm^2
 So area of "white" region = (72 sin 60 - 3 x 6 Pi ) cm^2
             = 5.81 cm^2 (to 3 sig. fig.)

4.Consider the volume of the water.
  5 x 5 x Pi x h = 150 Pi
      25h = 150
       h = 6
Surface area of the water in contact with the bottle = (10 x Pi x 6 + 5 x 5 x Pi) cm^2
                       = 85 Pi cm^2

5.Volume of this metal tube= (4.5 x 4.5 x Pi x 2 - 3 x 3 x Pi x 2) cm^3
            = 70.7 cm^3 (to 3 sig. fig.)

2007-07-12 15:55:09 補充:
Sorry... Q5It should be : (2.25 x 2.25 x Pi x 2 - 1.5 x 1.5 x Pi x 2) cm^3      = 17.7 cm^3 (to 3 sig. fig.)

2007-07-12 15:55:10 補充:
Sorry... Q5It should be : (2.25 x 2.25 x Pi x 2 - 1.5 x 1.5 x Pi x 2) cm^3      = 17.7 cm^3 (to 3 sig. fig.)
2007-07-12 11:39 pm
cab <大家都有的角
acb abc<<同位角*要講有對平行line
so 佢地相似
因為相似,so d邊成比例
............有排打= =........之後你都係自己+ oil啦................

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