
2007-07-12 10:59 pm
我計劃9月中左右與一位朋友到東京玩, 今次打算去自由行. 但現在苦惱緊在哪家旅行社買套票好. 我今次想去五日四夜, 我見好多旅行社的套票都只係有三日兩夜, 好少有五日四夜, 所以都係要另加酒店晚數才可滿足到我的要求. 我聽個朋友講住新宿華盛頓比較好, 因為近JR站, 附近又有shopping mall可以行下, 不知道是不是新宿華盛頓比較好呢, 定係仲有其他酒店可以選擇.
另外, 航班公司方面NWA OK嗎? 安唔安全GA? 因為我見它比國泰平, 所以將它加入我的考慮列當中. JAL可不可以考慮?
我今次係第一次去日本, 有沒有什麼地方一定要去OR有D咩食物一定要試ga呢?
~~~~唔好意思我我問題實在太多了, 希望有人可以幫幫忙la, with many thanks ^^

多謝大家幫忙 請問東瀛Inn的website是不是http://www.toyoko-inn.com/c_hotel/00078/index.html? 如果九月中去應該要提早多少日book呀? P.S.: 我今日上過WINGON TRAVEL的website睇過, 他們的package都唔平wo, 三日兩夜都要成三千幾四千, 太貴la.

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, if you 're going to Tokyo, 5 days with small hotel,
i have some idea for you.,
You could try WIn On travel. I just compare with those big travel agency, for visit Japan for 5 days package, Win on i think its the cheapest.
Below is my visiting experience since last Sep and last April time, same package.

Last year i visit tokyo 5days. UA air freight, 5day four night in Shinjuku Vintage hotel,
last sep time the charge was 3299 per person(semidouble bedroom). (not include the tax and petro charge, around 500 per person).

Since last April time, i visit tokyo again, 5 days, but NW air freight (time is similar to UA, since no more UA freight to japan since last April, also vintage hotel, the charge was 3499 per person (not include the tax and petro charge, around 500 per person).

Since last June, my friend visit to tokyo, I suggest him to join Win on, same package, same freight, but different hotel, the charge was 3699 per person. (semidouble bedroom). (not include the tax and petro charge, around 500 per person).

For the freight, North West, and UA (but no more now), the timming is good, around 9:00 hk time departure to tokyo.
but in tokyo was 18:00 departure to HK.

For other freight, like cathy pacific, Jal....expensive at list one thound something with same hotel, and may be only 4 days 3 night.

For Dragon air, the timming is not good, seems the return timming is early, like 15: 00 something, means the last day you may leave tokyo before lunch....and half days was gone.

2007-07-12 17:52:02 補充:
In japan, for me, one things must eat,which is 海胆! very fresh in there,,,,,,!!

2007-07-12 17:56:38 補充:
Moreover, now the package was still not release since its still early in this moment., you could wait until around August time to booking the package.

2007-07-13 20:50:57 補充:
You see the packing in Wing On was for High season,the will have a more valuable packing by Auguest time, you can try to get their offer by August, and ask them for 5 days 4 night, with NWA frieght, i'm pretty sure you will get a more cheap package during August time.

2007-07-13 20:53:38 補充:
If you visit Japan after Sep time (it is low season, as already school day),Win on package 5 dayswith NWA freight, will be only Three thousand some thing with 3 star hotel.

2007-07-13 21:09:47 補充:
因為永安而家未甘快出九月份既PACKAGE,而家你在佢地WEB果D係貴架.你等到八月中左右就係Good timming去報9月中既package.5日4夜,3499,NWA freight,仲有一樣正野,就在報團時可即時confirm机位同酒店.上次我問康泰,佢話出發前一星期才confirm,如果請左假,冇得去點算?
參考: My experience
2007-07-13 10:15 pm
我剛從日本回來, 現在日本天氣很好, 我都係住新宿華盛頓╴酒店係okay, 但位置就唔係好方便啦, 要行成十分鐘先到JR站, 再行去歌舞技町或去市中心就好唔方便, 我下次會住下 Price hotel 因為佢近JR,可以方便去玩。
航班公司方面,我坐CX機, 我覺得貴小小都ok, 因坐成四個鍾頭機, 有movie 就好快過。
我都係第一次日本自由行,去咗新宿, 淺草, 上野, 池袋, 浴谷等等。
參考: My own experience
2007-07-12 11:21 pm
自己 book 係最平的 :-

機票 :-
priceliXX or 上 yahXX 拍賣場度睇下有冇人放 UA (HK to 東京)

酒店 :-
東橫 inn 啦, 最平最平.

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