有無人在大公司做account, 比下意見

2007-07-12 9:53 pm
我以前多數在細公司做開full set account, 但今年轉工, 現在係一間中形公司做account clerk, 有幾個account的, o的工作分得好多部分, 我覺得好似做普通文員, 是否做中或大公司的account clerk 是這樣的???

回答 (2)

2007-07-12 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In large company, the daily transactions are much more than small companies. In order to reduce the chance of mistakes and increase the efficiency of the accounting staff, the division of labour and concentration usually are more strict. Say, there may be acccount staff responsible for Account Payable, others may be doing Account Receivable, Fixed Assets, Cash & Bank, etc. In some listed companies, there may even be separated teams doing management accounting, financial reporting, treasury reporting, project finance accounting.

In summary, the more large the company is , the more separation of accounting work will be.
2007-07-15 5:09 pm
你看到的現象, 正正是會計文員 (ACCOUNT CLERK) 現在和將來的境況。
電腦應用在商業數據的範疇, 影響廣大和深遠, 尤其是被喻為商業的語言 – 會計。
現代的會計人員, 只要準備妥當的、有關的會計原始資料, 如 VOUCHERS, CREDIT NOTES, DEBIT NOTES, INVOICES……等等, 透過資料輸入電腦的程序, 那麼, 由最經常應用的客戶報告表, 到可以遞交 AUDITORS 所需要的文件, 皆可隨時列印。
因此, 會計從事員, 可以發展的空間, 將會集中在學歷較高的上層, 原因是: 懂得解讀有關報告中的數據, 加以分析和協助管理階層, 應否跟進有關事項。
學歷較次的會計從業員, 將會大量停留在初級的階段, 成為一個具備有會計常識的電腦輸入員。
希望上述的解說, 有助你明白原因何在。

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