hku space business asso

2007-07-12 9:06 pm
hku space ge business asso(management studies)容易升上hku文學士嗎?

回答 (2)

2007-07-13 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都有好幾個同學係HKU SPACE AD business升去HKU BA~ 其實冇話business定arts上BA易0的, 你0係個personal statement解釋下就得啦, 正常interview時佢0地都會問你點解讀讀下business想讀arts~
老實說, 你成績有返咁上下, business定arts真係冇關係~
參考: 我本都係SPACE AD in arts, 今年HKU BA畢業啦~
2007-07-12 11:53 pm
I think students of associate of arts is more easier to升上hku文學士..because what u have learned in that 1 or two years and what u will learn in uni is related. but....if your gpa is very high..of cox it will be better .
參考: my point of view

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