
2007-07-12 8:36 pm

2.我仲想問若果我買架machinery返黎,咁machinery係FA,最後會入落balance sheet。但係買machinery呢個transaction算唔算係一種expenses(因為expenses係一d成本你要用,然後令你可以賺到d revenue)?如果係一種expenses,點解佢唔會入落profit and loss account?如果唔係,點解?


回答 (2)

2007-07-12 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案


2. 我仲想問若果我買架machinery返黎,咁machinery係FA,最後會入落balance sheet。但係買machinery呢個transaction算唔算係一種expenses(因為expenses係一d成本你要用,然後令你可以賺到d revenue)?如果係一種expenses,點解佢唔會入落profit and loss account?如果唔係,點解?

要分辨是入fix asserts還是expenses,關鍵在於此物件耐用程度、價格,是否有遞延的功能等作為考慮的因素,一般公司的accounting policy 會規定超過某某價格作為固定資產,否則作為低值易耗品.

1.貴價且耐用的作為FA,分幾年提折舊,折舊費亦分幾年入落profit and loss account,這樣做的目的是不致對當年的損益影響太大,

2.廉價且不耐用的作為expenses,入落當年的profit and loss account,

總結來說,都是入落profit and loss account.
2007-07-15 6:03 am
Though I've not studied F.4 a/c, I am an accountant and hope I can help you.

1. Cash and car are assets and not liabilities. If you borrow a car, you should record the car as your asset. Meanwhile, you should give a value to the car and record as a liability (in the name of "amount due to related parties" or so) until you return the car / settle the liability.

2. In determing whether the machinery should be recorded as an expense in P&L or asset in the balance sheet, you should look at the following factors:-
(i) is the machinery expected to generate revenue for you in the long run?
(ii) is it going to be longlasting and will exist for more than 1 year?
If the answers are yes, the payment is a "capital expenditure" and should be recorded as an asset in the balance sheet rather than an expense in the P&L.

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