讀Company Secretary 定 LLB?

2007-07-12 7:41 pm
我本身做近legal sec.(commercial and corporate dept),有個degree (bachelor of science), 而家考慮近讀llb定讀com sec.
讀llb要用3年時間,而我只是想做legal officer。
讀com sec 好像前景好些,但要從低做起。
應該選llb定com sec?

回答 (1)

2007-07-14 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
而家己经好少Law School畢業生打算 end up as a solicitor or barrister,近年大部份法律畢業生都在商界工作,在香港会計 or Co. Sec 出路的確係比做律師好好多,不過做 Co. Sec. 要識 law, 考HKICS IQS 會好D, 因為个課程比較实用,詳情可上 www.hkics.org.hk LL.B.要讀好多無胃嘢, e.g. Constitutional and Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Land Law, European Union Law, Tort, Family Law......真係無乜鬼用。
考到 ACIS(UK) and ACS(HK) 后可讀 London U MSc in Financial and Finacial Law, Wolverhampton U / CityU SCOPE LLM in International Corporate and Financial Law or OUHK LLM in Chinese Business Law

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