申請uk art college 的問題

2007-07-12 6:50 pm
我今年form 7, 但係我CE同AL 都無修過art。

如果我係hk 讀一年deisgn 同fine art 的dipolma,
可以直接成功apply degree 的機會高唔高?
定係係uk 讀一年foundation 直接升上degree較好?
Goldsmiths College 會唔會好難入?

回答 (3)

2007-07-19 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is hard to enter any art colleges without any experiences in art.
And your never study art before so you mustn't have any things or idea for them so see you are talented..also art is not only about beauty or you have wonderful skills...it is also about yourself...~ I mean to express your feeling through art..well..tht's why is hard to identify a good art student..( as all the art is about themselves so it is hard to compare..)..

And it is hard for me who is studying art and design A level at uk..as it is a very competitive subject and hard to enter good art colleges like Chelsea (www.chelsea.arts.ac.uk/ )..those are good art colleges!!..

If you still wanna chose art as your top priority..I recommand you to study a course in hk 1st..then go to uk..it is better to do tht but it cost more money..

And i wanna remind you if you want to gain a degree of art at uk's uni..you must study a foundation course before you enter ( which is BTEC national foundation degree)..And all the courses about art at uni in uk are expensive..which is about 9000-15000 pounds per year....but i think Kingston Uni is a good choice for art and i wanna go there too..I saw that open day and found the location of it is quite good.

Also..except require a foundation degree...your A level grade must be good if you wanna do a degree of art at a top rating's uni. but normally..GCE A-Level..you have 2-3 Bs or above is fine..!! Some uni require 3 Cs or sth..

Hope my suggestions are helpful!!

2007-07-19 10:51:53 補充:
And it is hard to enter Goldsmith..as it is a good college...http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/ for further info.or this one..about design..http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/study/courses.php#design
2008-09-03 4:31 am
ok agree
but i have good website
www.fast-beauty.6289.us and www.money128.biz
2007-07-12 7:16 pm
你一路都無修art呢科,好難入喎﹗咁你自己有無咩作品可以俾人睇﹖因為佢地要睇profolio,我諗你讀foundation上大學既機會大啲。其實你可以趁而家咁多升學展覽,問下同埋拎啲資料,又或者自己上去升學輔導中心問下,佢地都會講得好清楚,有啲仲係免費資詢。我個女今年都諗住入art institute,不過佢係英國讀完year 11,等放榜,學校都揀左,只係差ielts成績,佢呢間係美術專業學院,我個女去睇過,幾好喎﹗我唔係賣廣告,因為我都唔敢話你知佢好唔好。你自己問下agent啦﹗


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