News item :: Will getting cows to belch less reduce Global Warming?

2007-07-11 8:11 pm
Cows, according to this news item, belch over 70 cubic liters of gas a day contributing significantly to Global Warming.

回答 (12)

2007-07-11 8:15 pm
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Maybe. But a more effective approach would be to eat less beef, so there are fewer cows and less need to plow down the rainforest to raise more.
2007-07-11 8:26 pm
Nonsense. The excess greenhouse gasses that are causing global warming have an isotopic signature consistent with fossil fuels. Cow belch has an isotopic signature consistent with renewable carbon resources (i.e. grass). This is not the problem. You are making a joke out of a very serious crisis situation.
2007-07-11 8:20 pm
I am NOT giving up my burgers, even if it means eventually I can cook them on the hood of my car.

The better solution is to genetically engineer cows to crap ice cream and belch perfume.
2007-07-11 8:19 pm
We need to eat more beef to help speed up the process to kill them so they cannot burp.
2007-07-11 8:29 pm
It's not from them's the other end...and cows do not produce enough gas to really affect are the bigger problem. And the amount of vehicles on the road. And the amount of electricity used. And oil burned.
2016-09-30 12:57 am
Ah guy, i became into going to place up this! I unfolded Yahoo and could not believe my eyes, yet nevertheless have been given a sturdy snicker out of it. It basically is going to instruct the lengths those fanatics will go, not something is basically too ridiculous, and that i'm advantageous the greenies are not guffawing because of the fact they are actually not quite primary for his or her humorousness. those worldwide warming crusaders might desire to be the main bitter, indignant, bitter people around. would not you be, in case you have been utilising around on your Prius devoid of A/C and those huge diesel pickups have been hauling a.s.s. previous you making you choke on their CO2 fumes? a minimum of it quite is the way it is going down south. very nicely dude nicely attempt to not breathe plenty, shop on with one sheet of bathroom paper after taking your night unload, and don't consume any beans..... there is my worldwide warming blog for the night. Peace Out bra.....
2007-07-12 2:38 am
Give them Gas-x.
2007-07-11 8:59 pm
It will make a small impact on global warming. As your article states:

"Agriculture is responsible for about seven percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK"

So decreasing cow belching won't have a very significant effect on global warming overall.
2007-07-11 9:20 pm
I am pretty sure that cows have been around for lots of years on Earth... If they can be considered as partial cause of global warming, then everything else can be blamed as well.

In fact, I guess it is time to cut down all the trees too. FYI, trees also produces lots of "green-house gas" for long hours during night time...

good god...
2007-07-11 8:27 pm
Okay, here's how I see it. Both sides are politicizing the issue more than they should, but what's really reprehensible is that the anti-environmentalists are using their refusal to believe in global warming as an excuse to refuse to change any of their irresponsible and planet-harming ways. Whether you believe in global warming or not should be totally irrelevant. There are other indisputable reasons why we need to reduce emissions. Here in Phoenix, and in other major metropolitan areas, we frequently have ozone advisories, warning even healthy active adults to stay inside or minimize their outdoor activities. In case you don't know, most ozone comes from car exhaust fumes, power plants and other man-made sources of nitrous oxides. Will people have to start dropping dead in the streets before you recognize that unhealthy air is a bad thing?

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