Help me with the multiplechoice plz.?

2007-07-11 12:12 pm
The man,when questioned why he_____the law, just looked at the policeman and said nothing.
1.had broken
4.was breaking
I chose 2.(broke) which describes a story happened I right? plz explain your choice.
another one:
-Are you a visitor here?
-That's right.I_____round the world and now my dream of coming to Egypt ______true.
1.have traveled; has come; has been come traveling; has come
4.have traveled; has been come
Can I choose 1 (have traveled; has come)? thanx

回答 (16)

2007-07-11 12:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For the first one, you'll have to choose 1 "had broken" coz the action of "questioning" is in the past, and the action of "breaking" happened before that.

For the second one, your answer is right (although one can argue that the third option is grammatically right too).

If you choose 1 - it means that the person has been to places around the world and is not in Egypt.
If you choose 3 - it means that the person is currently traveling around the world and is now in Egypt.
2007-07-11 12:26 pm
The first statement relating to the breaking of the law is written in the past tense. This puts answers 3 and 4 out of contention. That leaves 1 and 2. Either would fit but I believe that 'had broken' would sound more grammatically precise than 2, as the singular 'broke' is more vernacular.

The second part is a conversation in the present tense. As a conversation, all tenses can be used, but rules of grammar still apply. Therefore the second insertion choice of 'has been come cannot apply as this is ungrammatical. That gets rid of 2 and 4, leaving 1 and 3.

As with the first statement, either 1 or 3 can fit in well here, depending on the context of the conversation and the aims of the traveller. If Egypt is final destination, then 1 is the correct answer. If there is still some travelling to be done however, and Egypt is just another stop on the way, then 3 would be correct. As this seems to be a casual conversation, I would assume 3 to be the correct solution as the subject is probably still travelling.

In direct answer to your query, there is nothing stopping you choosing 1 for this, but 3 would be better.
2007-07-11 12:19 pm
2007-07-11 12:18 pm
I would have chosen 1 - had broken - for the first question as it is the correct english to use in this sense.

I think that 1 is also correct for the next question, so I do agree with you on that one.
2007-07-11 12:17 pm

2007-07-11 12:15 pm
I'm stuck between 1 or 3, but I think 1 is the better answer. "have traveled" seems to fit best for the first blank
2016-05-19 5:07 pm
I will go with A and C. I think all of his sonnets are immortalized by the speaker's love. That's why they're called love sonnets. Are you aware the early sonnets were written to a man? Hmmmm...
2007-07-11 9:23 pm
well, its broke...and then have travelled ; has come.
2007-07-11 3:15 pm
The first is definatley 1. The answer is the past tense. 3 is something that happens continually, 4 means he was caught in the act, 2 is just poor english.

you are correct for the 2nd question
2007-07-11 12:51 pm
The first queston should be " had broken" as it was happened before the questioning occurred.

While for the second one, the answer "am traveling, has come" as he 's still traveling the world or he would not have a dream to go to egypt if he has gone through every corner of the world.
參考: from my english knowledge
2007-07-11 12:25 pm
The first question I'll choose had broken
The second question I'll choose have traveled has been come true
but I'm not really sure it .
2007-07-11 12:21 pm
I think its 1 and 3

it just sounds right like that to me
2007-07-11 12:19 pm
the first one is 1. i don't remember the exact rule/reason, but i'm pretty sure.
the second one-my first guess would be 1, but then i was thinking and maybe since the person is currently in egypt, then maybe it would be "am traveling" because they're still traveling, but i'd probably go with 1 like they have traveled the world and now they're finally in egypt. i don't know, i can't think right right now-i'm tired.
2007-07-11 12:29 pm
2007-07-11 12:24 pm
1) I would agree, 'had broken' sounds the most correct, although theoretically you could use 'was breaking'.

2)'Have travelled; has come' is the only one that sounds correct to me here.
2007-07-11 12:17 pm
The first one i think you are right it is 'broke' but i believe that the second one is 3. am travelling, has come.

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