Jan's & Jans' 有咩分別?

2007-07-12 7:43 am
Jan's & Jans' 有咩分別?

回答 (2)

2007-07-12 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Jan's : Jan 是人名的話,便是「Jan的」。
例如Jan's father.
2. 沒有 Jans' 。
數得到的名詞 + s + ' ,代表他們/她們/人們/我們/牠們...眾數的。
例如The boys' shoes are particularly (尤其) stinking (臭的).
2007-07-12 1:29 pm
Jan and Jans could both be names.

Jan's name is Jan and Jans' name is Jans.

Jan can also be short for January. Jan's number would mean "the number for Januray" and Jans' numbers would mean "the numbers for all the January."

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