
2007-07-12 7:16 am
non-jupas 的收生係吾係一定會出一個conditional offer 比student 先至出final offer ga?
IF yes, d conditional offer 係吾係已經出曬ga 啦?

回答 (3)

2007-07-12 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
也不一定的, offer有兩種, direct offer, conditional offer,
如果成績超班, 同常都係direct offer,
而conditional offer, 通常都列出條件, e.g. 要gpa幾分, juz all pass, 之後大學就會出入學信給你

一定係未收晒non-jupas的學生, 有些學生可以到開學前幾日先知,
吾放心, 可打電話到大學問
參考: 曾是non-jupas的自己
2007-07-12 9:34 am
some uni. will give out direct offers , eg. Poly.. they even asked us to register long before...

but usually will be conditional offer.. state that you hv to grad from asso/hd degree or get how many cgpa ..etc ..

and offers will be out until august wait.. dun worry now !!

coz i dou hv 3 offers now.. will reject 2 soon!~

2007-07-15 22:49:10 補充:
usually uni will mail or post you a letter gala!!
參考: me
2007-07-12 8:34 am
唔係, 有d會出direct offer, 但比較少見

未出哂, 有d u會到8月都仲出, 因為有d人本身有幾個offer, 可能會唔要個offer嘛...

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