給教授的英文信, 可否幫我check文法? 如何使語氣變得更有禮貌嗎?謝~~

2007-07-12 4:24 am
Dear Professor,

i am glad that you are willing to help,
my a-level result reach the mininum requirements of univesities in HK,
but may be it is just not high enough, so they refuse to take a look at my portfolio,
they have not granted me an interview since June.
Thanks for your kind helping again but i think i have very little chance of being a part of the programme.

i had often visited CityU and PolyU since June. none of them is willing to grant me an interview to present my porfolio. So none of them can take a look at my artworks. I think they pick the students to interview base on result.


However, i believe result cannot represents the art ability of someone. i wonder how to make professor willing to take a look at my artworks. it was because i don't want to be considered fail before my works are seen. Tomorrow i plan to visit CityU again because it is its interview day.


i was not invited so i may not be allowed to meet the professor, do you think i should knock the door or something? Regards, xxx

回答 (1)

2007-07-12 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good luck, pal.
Dear Professor X (Spell his/her name) ,

You are exceedingly kind to have lent me a helping hand. Although my Advanced levels results meet the mininum entrance requirements of univesities in Hong Kong, it is apparently not good enough. I think that is the reason why no university has granted me an interview so far. Thank you for your help again although I believe that I have very slim chance of participating the programme.
I have made a few visits to the City University and the Polytechic Universty since June. None of them is willing to grant me an interview. I think universtiies use students' academic results as the criteria for interviews.
However, I believe academic results alone cannot represent adequately the ability of students who study Art. I do not know how to make professors looking at my artwork. While I do not want to concede failure before my work is seen by interviewers, I plan to visit City Univeristy again tomorrow because they start interviewing candidates tomorrow. Since I was not invited for an interview so I may not be allsowed to meet the professor. Do you think it is wise for me to knock the door so as to obtain a chance of interview?
Thank you for you kind attention and I look forward to recieving your kind advice.
Yours sincerely (Regards is too casual),

N.B. Don't use abbreviations and short forms.

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