Paris 交通和酒店

2007-07-12 12:54 am
請問 eurostar london 黎到 paris 係唔係就有 underground 可去到 zone 2 ? 要幾耐到?
我訂左 paris 一間喺 zone 2 既 hotel 叫 best western bergere opera 既 hotel ~
ok 唔 ok 架? 晚上附近靜唔靜架? 近旺區嗎?

跟住要喺 charles de gaulle 機場走~咁zone 2 有冇underground 可去到呢個機場呢?
定會唔會有其他transport ? 要幾耐去到?


回答 (2)

2007-07-15 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Bergère Opéra Best Western is okay, it is quite near the Opera Garnier and the famous large department stores at Grands Boulevards. All department stores are closed at 7:00 p.m. in Paris but there are a lot of coffee shops, restaurants, theaters, cabarets nearby for tourists and locals. The area is safe in the evening.

When you arrive Paris from London by Eurostar, you are in the metro Gare du Nord, follow the metro sign and take line no. 4 direction Porte d'Orleans and change at the station Strasbourg St. Denis, you take line no. 8 direction Balard and get off at the station Grands Boulevards. It sounds complicated but ask for a metro plan at the information desk, you can see you only have 5 stops, and the hotel is about 2 minutes walk from the metro Grands Boulevards.

There is a Roissy bus at the Opera Garnier (angle rue Scribe and rue Auber) from 6:00 a.m. to 23:00 p.m. to Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG), it leaves every 15 minutes from 6:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m. and from 19:00 p.m. to 23:00 p.m. it leaves every 20 minutes.

It costs 8.50 euros and it takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour (or more) from Opera to CDG depending on traffic congestion.

Alternative solution to go to CDG, you take the RER (Super metro) line B3 at the metro station Gare du Nord, you need a special airport ticket which costs 8.20 euros, and it takes about 30 minutes.

You can buy your ticket at the station Grands Boulevards, just ask for a ticket to CDG Airport, you use the same ticket for the metro and change at Gare du Nord with the connection RER B3 direction CDG.

CDG has two terminals (aerogare): 1 and 2. If you happen to get off at the wrong terminal, they have a fully automatic train called CDGVAL which is free and it runs between CDG1 and CDG2 in 8 minutes.

Hope the above helps and have a nice stay in Paris.
2007-07-12 1:50 am
巴黎的地鐵叫做 metro.
首先, 請 check 清楚你需要去 zone 2 還是 arrodisement 2, 是有分別的.

zone 2: 地鐵的第 2 個收費區, 已經不是巴黎市中心, 就像香港的元朗上水一樣
arrodisement 2: 巴黎的第 2 區, 市中心區域
分別方法是睇返佢既地址後的 5 位數字. 如果是 75002, 就是 arrodisement 2, 如果是 9xxxx, 那麼就真是 zone 2 了
如果 zone 2 是郊區, 一定唔會旺, 而且晚上係十分靜的... 最好避免
如果係 arrodisement 2 就唔同了, 這裡靜中帶旺, 近市中心, 十分便利
在巴黎市中心去戴高樂機場可以搭 B 線 RER, 時間約需 45 分鐘
或者你可以將酒店地址 E-MAIL 給我, 再幫你 CHECK
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience

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