London Underground 裡既 Waterloo 站

2007-07-12 12:47 am
想請問 London Underground 裡既 Waterloo 站係唔係就係 waterloo 坐 eurostar 火車去 paris 果個站?
我喺 victoria underground 站去 waterloo eurostar 個站要幾耐 ?


回答 (2)

2007-07-12 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
London underground waterloo is the same as Eurostar waterloo station. However, you need to get out from the underground to the ground level inside the train station and then follow the sign to eurostar entrance.

From Victoria to Waterloo is to take either circle (yellow) or district (green) line to Westminster (2 stops), then take jubliee line (silver) - 1 stop to waterloo. It will take about 15 mins. If you have luggages, you should take the lifts rather than escalator.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself - Live in London.
2007-07-12 12:49 am
yes...就係同一個站. waterloo 係大站黎 ka. 除左 eurostar, 好多去歐洲其他國家既鐵路航線. 都係個度開出 ka.

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