Heathrow Airport 去 Victoria National Express 既車站

2007-07-12 12:39 am
請問由 Heathrow Airport 去 Victoria National Express 既車站點去?
坐 underground 好定有冇 shuttle bus 果d coach 去?
我有大件行李坐 underground 會唔會好麻煩?
同埋要幾耐時間去到 ?

因我班機 1:30 落機~訂左 5:30 喺victoria 上 natioanl express 車趕唔趕得切呢?
怕而家英國 check 得緊左誤左 d 時間~ 如果趕唔切上果班車~可唔可以坐下一班?
定已經叫作癈左張 ticket ? 我買左 funfares ticket 10英鎊一個人果d (amenable but non refunable)


回答 (2)

2007-07-12 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If your flight arrive London Heathrow at 1:30pm, assume there is a normal queue for custom and time for your luggages to arrive, you will leave Heathrow after 1 hour at around 2:30pm.

As the above user suggest, you can take London Underground. Travel to Central London from Heathrow by underground will take 1 hr. However, if you have large luggages, that can be a problem travelling in the underground. So I would suggest to take Airbus A1 from London Heathrow to Victoria and take about 1 hour too. This will be better in especially after 12 hours flight from Hong Kong.

You should have enough time to catch the National express at Victoria. Remember Victoria coach station is not the same building as the Victoria train station. It will take 5-8 minutes to walk there.

There are also quicker train from London Heathrow such as the Heathrow Express and the Heathrow Connect. But they stop at paddington and you will have to change London underground to Victoria.

For funfares ticket, if you miss the bus, you can still take the next one but may have to add additional fare.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself - Live in London
2007-07-12 12:57 am
the best transport is MTR.There are sixteen station that from Heathrow Airport to Victoria.You need to change the line at Green Park!From Piccadily line change to Victoria line!You can ask the customers service about the time because I have never travelled this line!
can you give me yr e-mail as I can send a MTR picture.
good luck

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