
2007-07-12 12:03 am
1. 有無咩特別啲既課外活動嫁??
2. 係咪成日都要拜佛嫁.....??(唔想拜呀~~)
3. 聽講話好似好多les囉....係咪真嫁??(唔係馬~~)
4. 仲有冇啲係特別好或者係衰既野??

回答 (1)

2007-07-12 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am a f.3 student of this school.it is quite gd but i think the eca(課外活動)is not enough.the student don't need to eat vegetarian food or worship buddha.we only need to sing the school song every morning.the problem of tomboy is not serious...the girl of lau kam lung is normal and many students have boyfd!i am sure u won't become a tomboy.the restaurant near lkl is quite dirty so u better bring the lunchbox or order lunchbox at school.they cost $14.also,u must obey the school regulations otherwise,the punishment is very harsh.
參考: myself

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